How to Repair Broken Glass


Top 4 Reasons to Install Frameless Glass Showers When Remodelling Your Bathroom

Are you planning to renovate your bathroom anytime soon? There are lots of great bathroom remodelling ideas you can consider. Ultimately, what you choose to do will depend on what matters to you most and fits your budget. If you are contemplating installing frameless glass shower screens in your bathroom, it's important to know what you stand to gain from your investm

4 Things to Avoid Doing After Recently Repairing Your Windows

If you have recently repaired or replaced your windows or glass splash backs, you need to fully take care of them without causing any further damage. Although they may seem firm and strong, you should know that it may take a few days for the putty or other adhesives to dry fully. Here are a few things to avoid after repairing windows or glass splash backs. Forceful wa

Ceramic, Glass and Marble Splashbacks: Which is Best For Your Kitchen?

If you're planning for a new kitchen splashback but feel a bit overwhelmed by all the material choices, you're not alone. There are so many potential choices for splashbacks today that many homeowners don't know where to begin. The good news is that your splashback options can be divided into several general categories to make your choice easier. Here's what you need

Why Do Windows Get Foggy & What Can You Do About It?

Have you started to notice your windows becoming foggy? It's something that often happens when condensation is allowed to form on the interior glass, and it's one of the leading reasons people seek out glass window repair. If your windows have become foggy, it's probably down to one of two reasons: Small cracks along the exterior pane Worn or broken seals Let's take

How to Add Style to Your Bathroom With a Shower Screen

One advantage of a shower screen versus a shower curtain is that a screen is very neutral and works with any colour or decor in the space. The screen can also open up the bathroom, making it look larger and roomier, whereas most curtains will simply cut off the bathroom area, making it seem smaller. If you're hesitant to get a shower screen for your bathroom because y